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Behind every successful business ideas is a set of goals that have been planned out since the birth of the business idea. Every person you’ve met, every book you’ve read could have told you this already so it shouldn’t come as a surprise anymore. But do you know that there is a science to goal setting that will drive you to effectively set goals? And it all starts in your unconscious mind.

When you’re sifting through information, selecting the best seven, and then deleting the rest, that’s your unconscious mind at work. It will absorb, generalize, and even distort the information in order to fit your needs. The result will be in a format that is useful and extremely comprehensible for your conscious mind to act on. You have full control over your unconscious mind because you can dictate the premises that you want it to operate on. When you set down guidelines for your unconscious mind, you’re setting goals.

Here are some considerations when setting goals:

1. Since the unconscious mind is the main player when setting goals, you have to feed it with positives. This means that you must focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.

2. Create specific goals. For example, if you want to increase your sales, you have to specify the percentage that you want, when you want to have that done and what steps along the way you want to complete.

3. Having a timeline of your goals is as important. This is because you want to train your unconscious to identify urgency, which will help you overcome distractions and get on with your goal.

4. Next, you have to make your goals measurable so your unconscious mind will know exactly when you’re moving in the right direction. Having a set of guidelines to measure your progress will also tell you if you’ve already achieved your goal and if it’s time to move on to the next goal.

5. Your goal must also be realistic. This means that it must be physically and technically achievable in your lifetime. For instance, to realize your goals, you can start by making some smart investments today by shifting to more affordable yet equally effective options in running your business.

6. Also, your goal needs to be ecological. An ecological goal means that it must not only be good for you and to the people around you, but to the environment too. You need this because your unconscious mind will always protect your body so you cannot expect it to be cooperative in reaching your goals if you’re aiming for something that is not ecological in the first place.

7. Your goals are yours alone. They’re your personal drivers to success so you cannot expect your unconscious mind to help you with the goals of other people. Now what if you have partners and you have to set goals that include them? If you and your partner are in mutual agreement, then the goals will likely work well. Otherwise, you may be able to achieve some goals while your partner lags behind.

8. Focus on your goal with care and diligence, which translates to repeat it daily. Remind your unconscious of your goals, and you can do that by keeping a journal.

9. Last but not the least, take action! Your goals will remain goals if you don’t take action.

Now, your unconscious mind know exactly what it is looking for. It will direct any information, ideas, thoughts and experiences to your conscious mind next for consideration. This way, opportunities would just seem to “turn up” because you know your goals.

About the Author

“Murray Priestley has 25 years of commercial and asset management experience having served in board, CEO and senior executive positions with a number of global public and private companies.”