If your exit strategy includes plans for selling your business, you may want to reach this goal sooner rather than later. This often requires funding from outside sources to quickly maximize the potential for your business. One way of accessing additional funds is to...
Many staffing options become available through the web in addition to traditional full-time employees. In fact, there is an increasing demand for virtual assistants, who live and work at another location. Your communication is often reduced to phone calls or email....
One of the “pearls of wisdom” that has stuck with me throughout my career is this: “Thinking, talking, planning count for nothing – doing counts for everything” Ultimately, in business, the company that is best at executing and delivering products and services obtains...
One of the most important things for any business owner, manager, entrepreneur or professional to realise is that there are four principal ways to grow any. If you learn to apply these simple concepts believe me, your competition won’t stand a chance. Get More...