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How to Become a Better Manager

One of the “pearls of wisdom” that has stuck with me throughout my career is this: “Thinking, talking, planning count for nothing – doing counts for everything” Ultimately, in business, the company that is best at executing and delivering products and services obtains...

Growth through Customer Care

Your role as a business owner is to solve your customers’ problems.  Your ability to determine what your clients want and provide them with solutions is a large part of your success.  Part of getting you into your best business shape is increasing your effectiveness...

Five Steps of Learning and Retention

These five steps will help you to get, use, and keep good ideas.  Learning is the acquisition of new information or knowledge, and retention is the ability to capture that information and recall it when wanted or needed. This can be broken down into five steps. Impact...

Five Phases of Business Growth

When you first enter into business, you are in the first phase: start up mode. Once through that, you move into the second, a growth phase, and then maybe into a rapid growth phase, and then a more mature phase. For the owner or the CEO, each of these phases has its...

4 Ways to Grow Your Business

One of the most important things for any business owner, manager, entrepreneur or professional to realise is that there are four principal ways to grow any. If you learn to apply these simple concepts believe me, your competition won’t stand a chance. Get More...